Who are we?

Who are we?

Meet Kathy

Hi! I'm Kathy

I get to retire from being a pharmacist on March 29th, 2024.  What a great day that will be.  I get to retire 2 years early with the help of my financial advisor, Melissa Meyers, https://www.melissamyersgroup.com/.  I am a single lady who likes to travel.  I have to eat Gluten free or my asthma REALLY kicks in.  Like a lot of people, I have bad knees.  But I still get around!!!


I grew up in the Detroit area but moved to the west side of the state after I graduated from pharmacy school at Ferris State University.  I love Lake Michigan and all the cool stuff there is to do in Michigan.


I also love to travel.  My favorite place to go to is Key West and Pineapple Beach in Antigua.  I love to go just about anywhere.  In the next year or so, I plan on going to Cancun, Key West, Austria, and Antigua.  I will also go camping while doing a circle tour around Lake Superior.  In 2025, I have a cruise around Hawaii planned.  HELLO, RETIREMENT!

Meet Karen

Hey There! I'm Karen

I am a 52 year old pharmacist who REALLY wants to retire early and not work all the time!  I occasionally get to go on vacation, but most often I have to live vicariously through Kathy.  My husband’s idea of relaxing is not the same as mine, so I like to travel with a group. He gets to do what he wants (or not do) and I can do what I like.  My favorite place in the world is Pineapple Beach in Antigua where I love to “bob” in the water.  One of my goals is to come up with “The top 10 places to BOB”.

  My second favorite place is almost anywhere in the State of Michigan.  Michigan has so much to offer and there is such a range of things to do – from laying on the beach of Lake Michigan,  looking for Petoskey Stones, going to a sporting event in Detroit, or getting some Mexican Wedding cookies from Greektown.

I look at the other travel blogs and I see a bunch of folks that are physically fit who are hiking on mountains or traveling to some exotic far away places.  Well, I’m not so physically fit.  I don’t do much hiking on mountains or anywhere else and I don’t get to many exotic places.  However, I sincerely hope that you will enjoy our travels and stories.